Yoga Class for Complete Beginners

Beginner’s yoga asana video classes in the tradition of Swami Sivananda. Produced by Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg, Germany. For more english Yoga Vidya youtube videos on all aspects of yoga theory, philosophy, vedanta, meditation and the spiritual path, including talks by yoga masters and teachers, please visit . For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see . Join our english Facebook pages here: – Yoga in all its aspects: Asanas, Pranayama, Relaxation, Meditation, spirituality. Videos, photos, audios. – Elevating mantra chanting, mostly in Sanskrit, to elevate the spirit, open the heart and feel the Divine Presence.
كورس للمبتدئين خاص برياضة اليوجا , الكورس مدته 5 ساعات , للتنقل بين الدروس في فيديو التالي رجاء الضغط على الأسهم أسفل الفيديو التالي .

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