Fundamentals of Pharmacology | From Coursera

هذا الكورس باللغة الإنجليزية مع عناوين فرعية Subtitles باللغة الإنجليزية وللأسف لا تتوفر ترجمة باللغة العربية , ولكن بإمكانك تحميل الفيديوهات من موقع كورسيرا مع English Subtitles وثم الذهاب إلى احد مواقعترجمة ملفات الـ Subtitles من وإلى أي لغة في العالم مثال موقع , ولكن الترجمة تعتمد على ترجمة جوجل لذلك قد تكون غير مفهومة احيانا .

In this class you will learn how drugs affect the body, how they alter disease processes and how they might produce toxicity. We will discuss how new drugs are tested and developed prior to them being used for patient care. We will describe how personalization of medicine will become a common day reality in patient care.

About the Course

This set of courses will discuss the discipline of pharmacology and its integration throughout medical science. Specifically, the content will be organized as follows: 1) Basic Pharmacological Principles; 2) Applied Pharmacology, the concept of applying the basic principles to each organ system with an emphasis on melding pathophysiology with biologic targets for drug therapy; 3) Therapeutics, considered to be the clinical application of applied pharmacology, including the financial implications of therapy, evidence-based medicine, and the limitations of drug therapy and future directions of therapeutics in all disease states, as well as the legal implications of prescription writing; and 4) Advanced Pharmacological Principles, such as cancer therapeutics.


  • Will I get a Statement of Accomplishment after completing this class?Yes. Students who successfully complete the class will receive a Statement of Accomplishment signed by the instructor

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