How to Succeed in College … From Coursera

كورس ” كيف تنجح في الكلية” ومعرفة المزيد عن الحياة الجامعية ووضع استراتيجيات لتساعدك على أن تكون واعي وناجح خلال التجربة الجامعية الخاص بك.

الكورس مقدم من جامعة”كنتاكي” , ويبدأ الكورس في 25 أغسطس 2014 ومن ذلك التاريخ يمكنك استخدام الكورس والذي سوف يكون مدته 5 أسابيع بواقع 1-3 ساعات لكل اسبوع .

لغة شرح الكورس هي الإنجليزية مع عناوين فرعية باللغة الإنجليزية .

About the Course

In How to Succeed in College, students interact and plan their transition to higher education and beyond. This multimedia course incorporates presentations, videos, and social media while focusing on strategies for student success. Various perspectives are introduced through interviews with faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, and current students to provide a holistic view of the college experience. Students in the course interact with each other via discussion forums, social media, and peer-review assignments. Topics include instructor expectations, social interaction, acclimating to new environments, strategies for studying, student resources, and basic issues in psychology. The course is designed for incoming college students of all backgrounds and interests. Join Dr. Jonathan Golding and Dr. Phil Kraemer in exploring the challenges and opportunities of the college experience.

Course Syllabus

Week 1: Prepare for the college student experience

Week 2: Learn about various types of college courses

Week 3: Develop strategies for active listening, note taking, and exam taking

Week 4: Learn about memory recall and best practices for studying

Week 5: Explore student resources that can help you succeed

Recommended Background

No background is required; all are welcome!

Suggested Readings

All of the lectures are designed to be self-contained. No additional readings are required.

Course Format

The class consists of lecture videos, which are between 8 and 12 minutes and length. Participation in the class consists of Facebook interactions and peer review assignments.

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